Fifth Marines Regiment Support Group "Car Wash Extraordinaire"
Your Dana Point 5th Marine Regiment Support Group will be hosting a "Car Wash Extraordinaire" at South Shores Church on July 20, 2013. This year we will have a pancake breakfast with sausage, fruit, coffee and juice while your car is being washed. In addition, we will have a BBQ lunch with hamburgers, hotdogs, chili & dessert. A "Combat Kids Zone" with face painting done by our Marines. Bring your camera and take pictures of your kids with flak jackets and helmets. We will also have fire and police static displays.
You will be smothered in our warm hospitality for our Soap Suds Saturday and be spoiled rotten while our Marines and the Dana hills Football team work shoulder-to-shoulder to clean your car....So come on down and enjoy the fun!!!
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