Dana Hills High School presents "Building Healthy Families Parenting Strategies And Solutions." The underage drinking & prescription (RX)/over-the-counter (OTC) drug use community meeting will feature physicians, law enforcement, and youth to increase adult awareness of the prevalence and consequences of underage drinking and RX/OTC use. Parents and adults will learn how they affect the community, and to develop solutions and strategies to reduce the problem. Topics will also cover new alcohol and drug products that are targeted to youth. The California National Guard will present a challenging personal development "Low" Rugged Outdoor Physical Experience System (R.O.P.E.S.) course for the youth attendance. The meeting will provide an opportunity for parents, teachers, officials, youth, and other community members to learn how this dangerous activity is impacting our schools, families, and communities, and provide an opportunity for all to voice their concerns and suggest ideas for preventing young people from using alcohol and prescription over the counter drug use.
To RSVP, please email Dana Hills High School PTSA: ParentEd@DHHSPTSA.com
For more information please contact: Leila Esfandiari (949)595-2288 x328 or lesfandiari@canoc.org
Click to view event flyer (PDF)